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Blessed Sacrament Primary School


At Blessed Sacrament, physical education and leading a healthy and active life are an integral part of our school life. Our PE curriculum is inclusive and nurtures the physical and mental skills of the children.


The intent of the Physical Education (PE) curriculum at Blessed Sacrament is to provide a comprehensive and inclusive learning experience that promotes physical development, healthy lifestyles, and positive attitudes towards physical activity. Our aim is to equip pupils with the skills, knowledge, and understanding necessary to lead active lives, engage in lifelong physical activity, and foster a love for sports and physical education.

We want our PE curriculum to:

  1. Develop fundamental movement skills: Our intention is to help pupils acquire and refine basic motor skills such as running, jumping, throwing, and catching, which are essential building blocks for more complex sports and activities.
  2. Foster a passion for physical activity: We strive to create an environment in which pupils feel motivated, engaged, and excited about participating in physical activity. By offering a range of enjoyable and challenging activities, we aim to instill a lifelong love for exercise and recreation.
  3. Promote physical fitness and wellbeing: We aim to improve pupils' physical fitness levels and overall wellbeing by promoting the importance of regular physical activity, healthy habits, and personal wellness. We want our pupils to understand the links between physical activity, mental health, and general wellbeing.
  4. Encourage teamwork, fair play, and resilience: We aim to develop pupils' social skills, including the ability to work effectively as part of a team, respect others, and display good sporting conduct. We will provide opportunities for pupils to face challenges, overcome setbacks, and develop resilience through physical activity.
  5. Provide equal opportunities for all pupils: We are committed to ensuring that all pupils, regardless of their abilities, background, or gender, have equal access to high-quality PE provision. We aim to provide inclusive activities, adaptations, and differentiated learning experiences to cater to the needs of every pupil.


At Blessed Sacrament children receive high quality PE lessons from ELM’s Sports in School coaches and Arsenal in the Community coaches. These are taught in two separate sessions and focus on two different areas. As well as their PE lessons, girls also get coached football at lunchtimes for 40 minutes a week by Arsenal in the Community coaches.

A. Curriculum Design and Planning

  1. Sequence a broad and balanced curriculum: We will provide a diverse range of physical activities, ensuring progression and adhering to the national curriculum requirements. This will include activities such as gymnastics, dance, athletics, invasion games, net games, striking and fielding games, and outdoor adventurous activities.
  2. Plan for individual needs and progression: Our curriculum design will consider pupils' needs, capabilities, and interests, providing opportunities for all to succeed and progress. We will differentiate tasks and activities accordingly to challenge pupils at all levels and adjust teaching approaches to support pupils with additional needs.
  3. Incorporate cross-curricular links: We will plan opportunities to integrate PE with other subjects, such as maths (e.g., measuring distances), science (e.g., understanding the effects of exercise on the body), and PSHE (e.g., promoting a healthy lifestyle).

B. Teaching and Learning

  1. Deliver high-quality teaching: Our PE lessons will be delivered by well-trained and skilled teachers who create a safe, positive, and stimulating learning environment. Teachers will have a strong subject knowledge, using effective pedagogical strategies and differentiation to meet the needs of individual pupils.
  2. Use a variety of teaching methods and resources: We will employ a range of teaching approaches, including direct instruction, guided discovery, and peer-led learning. We will also utilize appropriate resources, such as sports equipment, videos, and digital technologies, to enhance teaching and learning experiences.



C. Assessment and Feedback

  1. Regular formative assessment: Teachers will use ongoing formative assessment techniques, such as observation, questioning, and feedback, to monitor pupils' progress, identify areas for improvement, and provide guidance for development.
  2. Assessing wider outcomes: Alongside assessing physical skills, we will also assess pupils' personal, social, and emotional development, considering their ability to work collaboratively, demonstrate fair play, and display resilience.


Children at Blessed Sacrament love PE. They look forward to the days that they have it and they do it with a smile on their face. They are well equipped with fundamental movements and able to use and apply these across a range of sports and disciplines.

Our PE curriculum will have a positive impact on our pupils. We will:

  1. Notice a measurable improvement in physical fitness levels: Through regular physical activity and monitoring, we expect to see improvements in pupils' overall fitness, stamina, coordination, and motor skills.
  2. Develop a sporting culture and lifelong participation: By fostering a love for physical activity and making it an integral part of our school culture, we aim to promote lifelong participation in sports and physical education beyond the school years. All sporting achievement is celebrated at Blessed Sacrament, usually in a whole school assembly, which keeps the profile of PE and sport high.
  3. Enhance wellbeing and mental health: We anticipate an improvement in pupils' physical and mental wellbeing, as physical activity has a positive impact on mood, self-esteem, and general mental health.
  4. Observe positive attitudes and values: Pupils will demonstrate positive attitudes towards physical education, adopting values such as teamwork, fair play, respect, and resilience, which are transferrable to other aspects of their lives.
  5. Achieve high standards of achievement and progress: Through our inclusive and differentiated teaching, we will strive for high standards of achievement and progress for all pupils, regardless of their starting points or backgrounds.